Monday, August 07, 2006

“Uncommon and Common Things”

Few weeks ago I got a chance to spend a nice evening only with my daughter. We went to play in local mall’s children playground. It reminded me of being a small kid once.. I guess I didn’t have the luxury to go to such place.. even like once a year, back then.. I think we only knew “Taman Ria”, “PRJ”, and “Bobo” in Senen area. Now, Im not surprise anymore watching little kids in their primary school uniforms playing games from their handphones, gameboys or PSPs.. I sometime talked about it with my daughter.. Trying to put in some good values in her life, that life is not only about luxury.. Life is about feeling rich in your heart and mind.

But… Kids always kids..! She loves playing with those machines. Where is my childhood games like “Bentengan”, “Layangan”, “Gambar-an”,”Galasin”..? Well, I used to see my sisters playing with “Karet”…What happened with the old “Bola bekel”…? Hehehe…

Anyway after we played, we went to a nearby CD store and I got myself a new CD of Red Hot Chili Peppers.. My big heroes in life.. The band that has all the sins and salvations. Sam got a Peter Pan tape. She said her Emba’ has one but its not original.. so the tape kept whirling on them. What the hell..!

That’s how got stuck to the music from my new CD until now. This latest achievement of RHCP simply shows that they are the greatest of all. The rhythm always breaks my concentration every time I hear a tiny note from their songs. So detail, so mature and yet so powerful.

The tunes honestly bring back my memories of my good old brothers from Mango Buds.. Hehehe.. The band. THE BAND of all time..! 1 thing for sure.. Bambino, Prio and Richard must feel the same contentment and anxiety when each one of us listening the songs. The sound is so thick even we feel like we can grab every tune, every note, every slap, every kick, every hit… right from the air..

I know only them know what I mean… I miss you bro..! Lets hang out…!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"Being Obsessed"

Everyday you wake up with a single thought. A thin line border between reality and dreamy session. You may not realize the first thought you have in a morning,..... is your obsession. Its not a dream any more, coz you are already up in 1 piece.

Obsession can be a lethal weapon if you cant differentiate between: yes, it’s a possible thing or no, its impossible. But sometime we, as human being can not accept the impossibility and tell ourselves it is not possible… lets move on to whatever it is you have to deal with to make your life worthwhile.

I know a condition where I myself need to see everything I have, everyone I love, things my beloved ones have… before coming to the term of configuring my own obsession. It is all in me, it is all in you.. Its all about conquering yourselves to accept that impossible obsession shall be kept silently in your sacred place… Hoping one day it will become a reality…

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


This world is full of shit. Disaat gue lagi "eneg" ngebayangin gimana dinginnya those Israeli Army Generals push the button to kill at least 37 children of Lebanon... Disaat gue ngebayangin, alam tidur yang indah... tiba2 menjadi sebuah alam maut yang... gak tau kaya apa, karena gue belom pernah kesana... Disaat gue lagi pengen express my angry thoughts on America's government who has supported the invasion of Israel to Lebanon... I'm using their latest product of Windows XP and fuckin' I-Pod to make my mood.


How can we get away from making the capitalists get greedier? Im sick and tired looking at those cannibal cowboys.. pretending they are the soldiers of universe. Kenapa mereka di”legal”kan untuk menghukum siapa pun yang mereka anggap teroris?.. Apa sih kategori teroris itu? Kalau memang kategorinya adalah “MENEBARKAN TEROR DAN TRAUMA”… Bukan kah bangsa yang ngakunya paling di bless di dunia (Israel) dan bangsa yang ngakunya ter-greatest (Amerika) adalah teroris? Ya! Karena mereka telah menebarkan terror yang amat sangat parah…!

Gemes gue… Ngeliat orang2 Indonesia.. Gak cuman Indonesians aja.. even in other countries you always see those fully American influenced people. Dikit2 bicara pake “Hey man…” atau dengan kostum hip hop yang bikin mereka ngerasa cool. Ngomong bahasa inggris dengan aksen yang di sok amerika2in… Hey… Let me tell u 1 thing… Fuck you!... Wake up man! You are copying a terrorist culture!

I cant believe someone who has a brain as little as Mr Bush.. (Reminds me of Hommer Simpson) can lead such a great country. Kenapa mereka selalu berargumen… teroris2 itu memakai penduduk sipil sebagai tameng hidup mereka? Do you think I’d buy that?... If you would.. Fuck you man..! Your brain is as naïf as your hero president, Mr Bush!!!...

Go to hell Mr Bush… Or maybe, first… Go to the bush, Mr Bush! And grow some weed there! Have a good think there… Think about those innocent kids you (didn’t) have to kill… You can invite me to teach you how to roll a good joint…

Sebel gue... even my swearing style is so american... Ikhh!!!

Fuck You!