Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"Being Obsessed"

Everyday you wake up with a single thought. A thin line border between reality and dreamy session. You may not realize the first thought you have in a morning,..... is your obsession. Its not a dream any more, coz you are already up in 1 piece.

Obsession can be a lethal weapon if you cant differentiate between: yes, it’s a possible thing or no, its impossible. But sometime we, as human being can not accept the impossibility and tell ourselves it is not possible… lets move on to whatever it is you have to deal with to make your life worthwhile.

I know a condition where I myself need to see everything I have, everyone I love, things my beloved ones have… before coming to the term of configuring my own obsession. It is all in me, it is all in you.. Its all about conquering yourselves to accept that impossible obsession shall be kept silently in your sacred place… Hoping one day it will become a reality…


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