NARC FROM FESTIVAL FILM DOKUMENTER 2007 (FFD)Anguish of May '98 shootings recognized in filmNational News - December 17, 2007
Sri Wahyuni, The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta
The anguish of parents whose children died in the May 1998 riots was a popular theme throughout this year's documentary film festival.
The jury announced Saturday that Zainal Abidin of Jakarta had won the beginner's category for his work Anakku bukan Penjarah (My child is not a looter).
It has been alleged in the past that youngsters killed when department stores were razed in May 1998, including those buried in unidentified graves, were looters.
It has also been alleged those shot dead by security guards were heroes.
Shortly after the riots, Soeharto quit his presidency and brought an end to the New Order regime.
"The theme (of anguish) was missing from much of the media attention on the riots," jury member Budi Irwanto said.
"The film also presents lively interviews with grassroots people and treats them as subjects with the right to speak up," Budi said.
Zainal was among the winners, who were all from Jakarta.
The week-long
Documentary Film Festival 2007 officially closed here late Saturday at Benteng Vredeburg Museum.
Some 58 filmmakers from across the archipelago joined the competition program.
The groups included beginners and general categories.
Best film in the general category went to Restaurant Indonesia of filmmaker Dhani Agustinus.

A special prize went to Jakartan filmmaker Sakti Parantean for his work Jakarta Beda (Jakarta is Different), which focused on the recurring floods in the capital.
"We decided to give Jakarta Beda a special prize because it has a very strong style and deep insight ... (and) offers alternatives to other filmmakers," jury member and sociologist PM Laksono said.
Another winning filmmaker was Wawan Sumarmo with his 15-minute work entitled Water from Heaven, which won the festival's number one favorite documentary.
The prize was from a separate jury comprising selected senior high school students who were participating in the festival's film critic competition.
Organized by the Yogyakarta Documentary Community, the competition has been the main program of the annual event since it was first held in 2001.
Some 500 people watched film screenings of 70 documentaries, organizer Abraham Mudito said.
A master-class program, workshops and discussions were also held.
Foreign film makers invited for the master-class program included
Peter Wintonick of Canada,
Anand Patwardhan of India, and
Michael Sheridan from the United States.
In a bid to see community groups actively participate in the annual event, organizers also held the "Schooldoc" program designed for senior high school students of selected schools in Yogyakarta.
The school program was aimed to improve film appreciation and media intelligence among students.